Security & Life Safety
The existing main resort gate provides controlled access with 24/7 security personnel. We understand the high expectations placed on security.
Comprehensive resort security, including vehicle, foot patrols, surveillance, administrative duties, escorting, and alarm response is provided from the central command.
Residential Security & Access
Warner Springs Ranch Resort will be providing two additional security controlled residential only gates. The southerly gate will be located near the existing school/fire facilities off of Hwy. 79 and the northerly gate will be just north of the main resort gate. These will be access controlled gates via stationed security personnel or card activated gates.
Fire Response Service
CalFire Dept. Station No. 52
Fire Fighting & Rescue
As part of the Warner Springs Ranch Resort community we have onsite the CalFire Station No. 52 located at our proposed southern resort entrance. CalFire provides back-country wildfire fighting and regional support.
Volunteer Fire Department
In addition to the CalFire Station No. 52 fire responders, volunteers will assist in fire supression. This equipment will be centrally located within the Resort to allow for quick response to an emergency situation and to support fire & law enforcement responders.
Ambulance and Paramedic Resources
San Diego County has recently added 24/7 ambulance and paramedic services located at Station No. 52.These services are provided under contract with Mercy - ambulance and paramedic services serving rural east county and communities such as Warner Springs, Shelter Valley, Santa Ysabel, Lake Henshaw, etc.
Private Airport
Warner Springs Private Airport will allow for responsive and safe Medivac and Heliport services. Sky Sailing, Inc. operates the Warner Springs Ranch Resort airport. They maintain airport services and provides additional aerial eyes/radios for emergencies and support.
San Diego County Sheriff and
California Highway Patrol
Warner Springs Ranch Resort, in association with the rural law enforcement departments of the San Diego Sheriff and California Highway Patrol, are working together to provide the highest level of on-site law enforcement and direct response.